
Securing the future.

Getting married is a time of joy. Conley Law LLC understands this but also is experienced with helping couples think through their future even though these conversations can be awkward and difficult.

A prenuptial agreement is a contract between two people prior to marriage. Also, a formal written agreement can be done after marriage as a post-nuptial/marital agreement. These agreements address property and financial issues in the event of the couple’s divorce and they can provide reassurance for those who enter into marriage.

Why do a Prenuptial Agreement?

  1. Protection of Assets – family inheritance, entrepreneurial activities, large net worth, and privately owned real estate.

  2. Limit of Debt Liability – personal or business loans, gambling, credit cards, and other obligations.


  • 5-10% of Americans marrying Americans seek a prenuptial agreement.

  • 15% of people who have been through a divorce regret not having a prenuptial agreement in place.

  • 44% of singles believe that having a prenuptial agreement is a good idea before entering into a marriage.

  • The three top reasons why a prenuptial agreement is put into place are to provide protection of separate property, alimony/spousal maintenance, and the division of property.
